Welcome back to my blog and the first Q&A with AQ 👑 (Adulting Queen).
Basically, I just call up my friends and tell them to ask me 5 random questions, then voila you get a blog post and fun facts about me!

Kayla was my first Graduate Assistant turned first born child when I worked at FIU. She is a gem to this world! So positive, bubbly and supportive. The building would have burned down without her!
Let’s see what random things Kayla asked....
What inspires your ideas?

AQ- For The Adulting Queen specifically, it's the things I've done in my life that I didn't know but made it through that I want to help others work through earlier. I think working with college aged students and having certain conversations with them really made me see that no one is taught how to adult. There are a lot of unsaid expectations and stigma around certain conversations that should be had. Seeing the positive results from the advice I’ve given to friends, family, students and even strangers now keeps me going.
Kayla- By simply doing life, I don't think anything comes by coincidence into our lives, everything has a reason and a purpose so I try to use this as fuel. Especially when I keep hearing the same thing or reading it in a variety of ways (through conversations with friends, verses, sermons, online etc), I use it as a catalyst for an idea. And then of course a favorite source of inspiration is Pinterest, there are so many canvases in my apartment that have been created from an idea on there. Also lots of DIY ideas and new recipes!
What comforts you on your bad days?
AQ- Music, watching my favorite shows, drinking coffee/tea and knowing that it will pass. I learned to let myself sit in feelings when I'm not in a good mood.
Kayla- A coffee drink, lighting some candles and being able to be alone for the night, usually to get my emotions out and just cry (cause that's okay) then watching a good movie on the Netflix. If I'm feeling extroverted, happy hour with some friends.
What is your favorite thing to celebrate?
AQ- My birthday! #ADay is a whole event. I've been mentally preparing myself for this year not being the same due to Rona, but I have something good up my sleeve! My past birthdays have all been great. I always had a party, a party bus, gathering, brunch, etc. The goal for when I turn 30 is to go to Paris! Fingers crossed we're able to travel by then.
Kayla- My birthday!!! Every year, I love being able to celebrate my life, things I have done and the people I have in life. This is a day when I get my favorite foods (Hibachi, crab legs, ice cream). For the past few years I have tried to travel somewhere I haven't been before. Some places I've gone: New Orleans, Vegas, Nashville, Myrtle Beach, DC. Definitely wanting to go international in the next couple years!
Who would you love to have as a guest on Sippin' Sunday?
AQ- Definitely Issa Rae! Also, my bae Michael B. Jordan.
Kayla- Issa Rae! Of course, no brainer! So we can dissect the show Insecure and who knows maybe she'll be with Jay Ellis :)
Who is a Black person who helped pave the way for you, personally?

AQ- The first person that popped into my head is a Resident Director from undergrad, Monique. She oversaw the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP) at Old Westbury and taught me a lot about being a Student Affairs professional and being a Black woman in the field. Aside from that, I would say my mom, dad and sister. They always have been my biggest cheerleaders since day 1 and show up for me no matter what. Each of them have qualities I admire and want to emulate.
Kayla- In my career in Higher Ed, my first Coordinator Holly Bowen. She gave me my first job as an RA at ECU and exposed me to the field when I was at a crossroads with deciding a major. She laid down the foundation of what it was to be a great supervisor and Coordinator and encouraged me to go to grad school. If it had not been for her, I'm not sure what type of job I would have. I'm forever grateful for her being a positive model of a black woman that I aspired to be like.